Learning Interpretability Tool
Take LIT for a spin!
Get a feel for LIT in a variety of hosted demos.
tabular binary classification
Palmer Penguins
Analyze a tabular data model with LIT, including exploring partial dependence plots and automatically finding counterfactuals.
BERT binary classification multi-class classification regression
Stanford Sentiment Treebank, Multi-Genre NLI Corpus, Semantic Textual Similarity Benchmark
Use LIT with any of three tasks from the General Language Understanding Evaluation (GLUE) benchmark suite. This demo contains binary classification (for sentiment analysis, using SST2), multi-class classification (for textual entailment, using MultiNLI), and regression (for measuring text similarity, using STS-B).
BERT binary classification notebooks
Use LIT directly inside a Colab notebook. Explore binary classification for sentiment analysis using SST2 from the General Language Understanding Evaluation (GLUE) benchmark suite.