Edit experiments and cohorts

To edit an experiment, click on its card in the home page gallery.

At the bottom of the leftmost panel, fork or edit the current experiment.

For creators: general experiment configurations (e.g., metadata, permissions, delete experiment) can be edited at any time, but stages can only be adjusted if no cohorts currently exist in the experiment.

Non-creators cannot edit the experiment metadata/stages, but they can click to preview (same button in top right corner) the configurations.

Add, edit, and delete cohorts

Use the cohort panel’s “Add cohort” button to create new cohorts.

Once a cohort is created, use the toolbar buttons to add participants, copy/preview the “join cohort” page (intended to allow participants to dynamically join an experiment cohort), or edit cohort settings (including giving the cohort a custom name and description).

To delete a cohort, use the settings icon in the cohort toolbar. Note that deleting a cohort also deletes all its participants.

Preview your experiment

Coming soon: Simplified workflow for previewing an experiment

To preview or test your experiment, create a new cohort and add a participant, then use “preview as participant” to navigate to that participant’s view. Once you’re done, delete the cohort (to enable editing experiment stages).