Platform design
Utils are organized by stage (under /utils/src/stages
). Each stage has:
Main file (e.g.,
) defining relevant types and functions, (e.g., stage, stage’s participant answer, and stage’s public data) -
Validation file (e.g.,
) defining type checks that are used by Firebase cloud functions (and their frontend endpoints)
Functions are organized by the object (e.g., participant, survey stage) that they update.
The frontend web app includes:
: UI components including buttons, tooltipscomponents
: Core platform components organized by directory, notably:experiment_builder
: Interface for creating/editing experimentsexperiment_manager
: Dashboard for managing experiment cohorts and participantsparticipant_previewer
: Stage et al. screens viewed by experiment participants
: MobX services managing state. Services ending inservice.ts
run for all users (both researchers and participants);experiment.editor.ts
is used to locally assemble an experiment before writing to Firestore; andexperiment.manager.ts
is used for the experiment management dashboard (visible when researchers click on an experiment)