
Visualizing Multilevel Structure in Books with Sentence Embeddings


Project Description

A good way to visualize a book can be useful for summarization, comparing different books and authors, as a starting point for closer reading, or as a tool for thematic and/or structural analysis. There are a number of existing proposals for different ways to visualize books, primarily based off of 1) frequency-based statistics (e.g., number of sentences per paragraph/chapter), 2) higher-order statistics (e.g., scores that measure vocabulary richness) or 3) predefined themes or categories (e.g., sentiment). At the same time, there have been rapid advances in learning-based NLP techniques. Here, we explore whether using learned embeddings can lend new insights into the book visualization problem.


This repo contains code for several viz prototypes. They are based off of the same data, with one small distinction. The viz in rect-grid.html displays all sentences, each with their own color determined by the embedding of that sentence. The others display sections of sentences.

Sentence-level visualizations

For the sentence-level viz in rect-grid.html, we display each sentence as a rectangle, in vertical columns representing chapters. The colors are computed by first embedding each sentence (+ optionally some window of context around the sentence), mapping the embeddings to a 3D space with TSNE, UMAP or PCA, and using the 3 dimensions to define a color in RGB space.

In the sentence-level visualization, you can toggle several options in the menu dropdowns:

Section-level visualizations

The visualizations in entire-book-clusters.html, zoom.html, chapter-scroll.html, and section-text.html are all based off of section-level data, where sentences are grouped into sections at different levels of granularity. To compute section-level data, we first embed + reduce dimensionality of sentences in the same way as in the sentence-level information. Then, we take the diff between consecutive 3D vectors and create splits where the diff is above a cutoff. We change the cutoff to get different-sized blocks: a bigger cutoff will lead to fewer, larger blocks, and vice versa.

method diagram

In the visualizations, the exact cutoffs are determined for each book such that they result in a specific number of sections. In addition, we use k-means clustering to assign a cluster label to each section. The number of clusters is min(8, num_sentences/500).

Different section-level visualizations

There are a few different html files that will load different visualizations based off of the section-level data.

Running the Visualization

Generating Data

GenerateBookData.ipynb in the colab folder 1) downloads raw book text for 11 books from Project Gutenberg, 2) saves a single JSON file with sentences, chapter breaks, and other metadata for all books (book_text_data.json), 3) saves a zip file containing a JSON for each book, where entries correspond to sections at different levels of granularity (, and 4) saves zip files containing reduced-dimensionality embeddings for each book via TSNE, UMAP, and PCA in byte format (,, and

You need 1) for all visualizations, 2) for any of the section-level visualizations, and 3) for the sentence-level visualizations.

After running all cells, you should see the downloaded files. Move book_text_data.json to the data folder of the repo. Unzip the zip files and for each, move the directory within the content directory to the data folder of the repo.

Running the App

npm prestart will just run the TypeScript compiler and bundle with rollup. npm start will compile + serve the app and watch for changes in the source. The console will output the URL & port, and from there, navigate to the html page of the visualization of interest (section-text.html for the main viz).